The importance of water on your spinal health

chiropractic adjustments for a better lifestyle Willow Chiropractic

There’s no denying that we have to drink plenty of water each day to maintain our health. We all know how water impacts our health. But, do you know why water is important for your spinal health in particular? Your spinal discs are 85% water. It’s this high water content that helps to provide your…

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Why should you have chiropractic care during pregnancy?

read about lacey's story with Willow Chiropractors

Problems with your back and pelvis can be common during pregnancy. Unfortunately, part of the reason is that your spine, pelvis, and nervous system are not working properly to begin with.  Pregnancy changes the body in many different ways; this is mainly due to hormone changes. The one I want to focus on is the…

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Why should I see a Chiropractor when I feel perfectly fine?

Willow Chiropractic when to see a chiropractor

If you don’t have any pain or symptoms, it’s easy to think that you are healthy and don’t need to see a Chiropractor. If you wake up in the morning without pain, why would you even think that there is anything wrong? Sometimes, when you go to the doctors for a check-up the doctors will…

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How to feel less stressed

Willow Chiropractic circles of stress

We all face uncertainty about the future, but for some people this uncertainty brings higher levels of stress and anxiety than it does for others. But, there is a way that can help you have more control. If we start to put what is causing us stress into three groups, it can help us to…

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Five Essential Practices Post-Adjustment

Are you ready to unlock the secrets to faster healing and greater well-being? Picture this: You’ve just had a rejuvenating chiropractic adjustment, and now your body is primed for optimal healing. But what’s next? How can you ensure that your body receives the support it needs to heal effectively and efficiently? Let’s discover effective 5…

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Is clicking your own neck & back safe?

women clicking her neck Willow Chiropractic

Imagine you’re sitting at a computer and your neck feels stiff, so you roll your head around, causing that satisfying popping sound in your neck. Or your back is sore, so you press your hands against your spine, leaning backwards till you hear a pop. Aah – instant relief! Everyone does it – but is…

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Why choose chiropractic over pain medication?

senior taking medication Willow Chiropractic

Many people suffer years or even decades of pain, using pain relief medication to try and continue a normal life. In the short term these drugs can be useful, however it is not a good strategy for pain management over time, and can lead to other unwanted side effects including addiction, headaches and more. Chiropractors…

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