Willow Chiropractic

Patient Stories

Aggie’s Story

“I don’t even know where to begin so I will start with gratitude; gratitude for Willow Chiropractic as a whole, and for James Deady specifically for the journey I have had with this treatment.

I am a professional dancer for a living. I first came to contact with Willow after an 8 month contract away that consisted of 9 shows a week. I got injured in the process and my Mum recommended a consultation. Let’s just say that my incredible results after only 7 months of treatment have had a direct correlation with not only the improvement of my dance ability, but even down to the way I walk and stand. James is very patient, understanding and honest. Your best interest is the forefront of his work even if it means he is unable to help you. In my case, it has been a beautiful journey to the point of me considering being a chiropractor later in life!

I will get adjusted for life now after seeing what it has done for me and those I have recommended. But one thing I will add is, treatment in itself is great, but treatment paired with trust in your body, positive thoughts and a generally positive outlook to the world around you is life changing.”

Treated for back & knee pain at our Clifton clinic by Dr James Deady.

If you're experiencing pain or know someone who could benefit from chiropractic then follow the link below to book your consultation online today

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