Willow Chiropractic

Patient Stories

Amanda’s Story

“After suffering an accident at my yard when a huge hay bale fell on my head, I was existing in life thinking my body just needed to heal in order to be out of pain! After 8 months things were still very bad. I decided there must be much more going on with my body. I decided to pay a visit to willow, where I met Liam. After a few adjustments life was feeling a lot more happy. Now I am put back together as I should have been. But even more mobility than I have had for years! Less pain! Life without pain! Thank you Liam, thank you Willow!”

Treated for back pain at our Nailsea clinic by Dr Liam Rice.

If you're experiencing pain or know someone who could benefit from chiropractic then follow the link below to book your consultation online today

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