Willow Chiropractic


Amanda’s Story

Treated for head pain at our Bedminster clinic by Dr Tim Scott.

“My name is Amanda, I am 40 years old and I’ve been having headache attacks for around 13 years. As a long-term headache sufferer I tried everything available out there to cure, to cope and to relieve the pain and the symptoms that comes with the attacks.

Over the years I’ve tried:

  • different tablets
  • acupuncture
  • massage
  • meditation
  • food diet (eliminating the famous triggers)
  • food supplements (like magnesium, etc.)
  • exercise
  • yoga
  • hydrotherapy
  • hypnosis
  • natural remedies (Bach florals)
  • reflexology
  • tapping technique
  • I stopped drinking alcohol
  • hormone patches
  • I can keep going on and on!

None of them have ever eliminated completely the attacks or the symptoms, so you could imagine my frustration. I was miserable as my headaches attacks were becoming more frequent meaning I was always wasting family time, work and having to take my Tripton tablets, which after getting rid of the aura and the pain would leave me feeling exhausted for around 2 days. I was almost giving up and I decided I was going to buy a new injection that is only available in USA for now and it would cost around £900 a month as a preventive method until a friend from work said to me, “Amanda, you should go and see Tim. He will fix you!”

So I did. I started my treatment a couple of months ago and although my headaches appeared to have increased in the beginning (it is a normal reaction) I am now 37 days headache free and counting!! This is the first time this has happened in years and I am so happy and relieved that I have found someone that really cares about me and how I feel. It is a natural treatment, so no more chemicals in my body. I can only say thank you to Tim Scott and Willow for this new life you have given to me.

From a ex-headache sufferer!”

If you're experiencing pain or know someone who could benefit from chiropractic then follow this link to book your consultation online today - https://www.willowlife.co.uk/book-now/.
Hedley adjust square

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