Willow Chiropractic

Patient Stories

Baby Rory’s Story

“Rory began his chiropractic treatment at just a few days old after a rather difficult entrance into the world, which meant he was unable to turn his newborn head to one side. It was a battle to feed him at all, and he quickly became quite a sicky baby. The hospital implied that it would be necessary to give him drugs to help him along, which we did not like the prospect of at all.

The thought of a baby being adjusted is quite stressful, but since Liam has been adjusting both myself and my partner for a while, including throughout my pregnancy. The difference after even just the first session was remarkable. He was instantly a much calmer baby who able to feed a lot easier.

Rory continues to see Liam regularly along with mummy and daddy, and he definitely enjoys it – especially being turned upside down! Thank you for helping to keep Rory happy and healthy!”

Treated for neck pain at our Nailsea clinic by Dr Liam Rice.

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