Willow Chiropractic

Patient Stories

Cath’s Story

“About a year ago, I experienced pain in my left shoulder and restricted movement. It got steadily worse over the next few months. I couldn’t pick up and play with my nephews. I couldn’t exercise. Even dressing myself was a challenge. My GP diagnosed a frozen shoulder and recommended pain killers and maybe steroid injections. Other than that they said there was nothing that they could do and it would sort itself out in 2 to 3 years!

A couple of months later, I saw the flyer from Willow mentioning that they could help with a frozen shoulder – I made an appointment for a consultation and started treatment. Everyone at the practice has always been friendly and helpful and I was always kept informed of what to expect in terms of possible effects and timescales.

Within a couple of months I could see major improvements and now, 6 months later, I have almost full movement back in my shoulder. Basically, I have my life back!”

Treated for shoulder pain at our Emersons Green clinic by Dr Lacey Prosser.

If you're experiencing pain or know someone who could benefit from chiropractic then follow the link below to book your consultation online today

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