Willow Chiropractic

Patient Stories

Cherry’s Story

“My back gave in last year right before I was due to fly back to England.

I was in such severe pain that the only way I was able to endure the flight was to take incredibly strong medication, which wasn’t ideal but seemed like the only option. I am eternally grateful to my friend who recommended me to see a chiropractor, because it has been wonderful.

Dr Rose has been so supportive and has been by far the biggest help in all of my searches for help with my healing. My chiropractic care has not only helped my physical wellbeing, but also my mental and emotional wellbeing as I’m no longer having to endure the pain. Now I can confidently say that I am almost into full recovery and ready to face whatever life throws at me.

I know that my adjustments from Rose will mean that my body will be able to cope, be it physical, emotional or psychological challenges.”

Treated for back pain at our Yate clinic.

If you're experiencing pain or know someone who could benefit from chiropractic then follow the link below to book your consultation online today

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