Willow Chiropractic

Patient Stories

Chris’s Story

“It all started with a fall in my kitchen where I landed on my back injuring my lower lumbar region, so decided to take my back problem to a Chiropractor. 

Dr Ryan Stephenson in the Bedminster clinic in Bristol went to work straight away on the injured area and after 4 appointments it seemed to ease and I found walking a lot better.

His explanation of the care plan also helped me understand what was happening and I felt more at ease. After 8 appointments with Dr Stephenson and the staff at the Willow Chiropractic Clinic 

I feel much better and nearly pain free, I can only thanks all of them for a job well done.”

Treated for back pain at our Bedminster clinic by Dr Ryan Stephenson.

If you're experiencing pain or know someone who could benefit from chiropractic then follow the link below to book your consultation online today

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