Willow Chiropractic

Patient Stories

Esme’s Story

“A few months ago I could hardly move and was in constant pain from my back. I have suffered from back pain at least 30 years on and off, and this year I’ve had two particularly bad bouts lasting about 10 days each. Then on holiday my back went on the second day and I was left incapacitated and in terrible pain for five long weeks. In desperation I phoned Willow to see if they could help.

I started treatment at Willow with Dane and felt the benefit within weeks. I am now pain free and I no longer suffer from trigeminal neuralgia in my face or get dizzy when getting up off the floor after exercise. Neck manipulation has solved that problem. Life is great now and I will continue to have regular treatment to keep me active and maintain my health. I’m one very happy patient – thank you!”

Treated for back pain at our Filton clinic by Dr Dane Jacks.

If you're experiencing pain or know someone who could benefit from chiropractic then follow the link below to book your consultation online today

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