Willow Chiropractic

Patient Stories

Jane’s Story

“Having been to many physiotherapists and masseurs, I didn’t know whether it would just be the same old limited success again. Well, I have been so impressed with my treatment with Willow Chiropractic at Clevedon! 

I have much better movement in my neck and shoulders, they don’t feel tight and knotted, my posture has improved, I am not getting fuzzy headaches anymore. I feel lighter and brighter in myself. 

I feel just so grateful and so happy that I started this journey for better health and wellbeing with them. It’s kickstarted me to eat better, move more, control my anxiety and stress with meditation. 

A great big thank you to you all, you’ve helped me much more than you probably realise! Thank you Pippa and Nat.”

Treated for neck, head & shoulder pain at our Clevedon clinic.

If you're experiencing pain or know someone who could benefit from chiropractic then follow the link below to book your consultation online today

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