Willow Chiropractic

Patient Stories

Laura’s Story

“I’ve had a few aches and pains from years of sport. I didn’t have any major back or neck problems, but enough to decide that I wasn’t feeling 100%, so I decided to get checked out.

The process has been brilliant from the beginning. James explained the issues in depth and provided a plan to help me get back into top shape. After only a few sessions I started to feel the benefit of chiropractic mentally and physically.

I would definitely recommend chiropractic. I was a bit sceptical at first but after getting a clearer understanding of the process (turns out it’s not just back cracking!) I now look forward to getting adjusted and feeling great!!”

Treated for back & neck pain at our Clifton clinic by Dr James Deady.

If you're experiencing pain or know someone who could benefit from chiropractic then follow the link below to book your consultation online today

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