Willow Chiropractic

Patient Stories

Mike Young’s Story

“I injured my right knee after slipping on some stairs, and about 14 months later I had a mishap at home which seemed to cause a recurrence of the painful symptoms. I saw my GP on 6th March 2018 who arranged x-rays and an MRI scan; the former showed no bone damage and I first saw Liam on the 16th March. He found my balance and spinal alignment were way off (as well as the knee problem) and began my course of treatment on the 19th March (my 72nd birthday!).

On the 23rd March I wrote “knee feeling less painful” in my diary, and I was no longer taking any pain-killers. On April 10th I wrote “walking without pain” and a week later “leg is so much better it’s amazing!

On 9th May my MRI scan took place and the report showed a torn meniscus plus minor possible bone damage but, by now, I was walking almost normally and the back and knee felt good. Thanks entirely to Liam’s treatment I am now pain-free and can do the things I enjoyed doing before—though the 100 metre hurdles may need to wait for a while!!

Thank you Liam and Willow for fixing me! Mike”

Treated for knee pain at our Nailsea clinic by Dr Liam Rice.

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