Willow Chiropractic

Patient Stories

Robert’s Story

“I approached Willow after a bad fall last year had left me with a sore neck and shoulder. I also wanted to be able to work in my garden and without suffering from backache afterwards.

I had no idea what chiropractic care really involved, but thought I would give it a try. Ryan took the time to explain everything clearly, and within the first couple of treatments I was hooked. His calm manner and emphasis on relaxing into the treatment was really helpful to this relative newbie, and I immediately felt the benefit. After a couple of weeks I noticed a significant reduction in the aches and pains I had had since the fall, and that my posture and general feeling of wellbeing was improved.

The period of treatment coincided with a particularly stressful episode at work. Dr Ryan immediately picked up on the fact that I was especially stressed and changed his approach for those sessions, focusing additionally on reducing that stress and help me feel calmer and more relaxed.

I can’t recommend Dr Stephenson and the Willow Bedminster Clinic enough.”

Treated for neck & shoulder pain at our Bedminster clinic by Dr Ryan Stephenson.

If you're experiencing pain or know someone who could benefit from chiropractic then follow the link below to book your consultation online today

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