Willow Chiropractic

Patient Stories

Stephen’s Story

“My name is Steven and I am 51 years of age. I have always been a very active person enjoying many outdoor pursuits and sports. These have included marathon running, motocross racing, mountain biking, hill walking, sub-aqua sport diving, bell ringing and snowboarding to name but a few. Over the past few years my biggest passion is Olympic style archery.

My injury happened mid May 2016 and was not as a result of any physical pursuit. I was simply resting enjoying the sun on a rocky beach in South Wales. When I woke I went to get up and had a bad pain in my shoulder which extended down my arm and into my fingers. It was painful to sit, drive and sleep at night.

I visited my GP who prescribed powerful painkillers which only eased the pain by 50% with the side effects of drowsiness. The problem only being masked.

I was desperate to be out of pain and whilst in Nailsea a friend suggested that chiropractic treatment had worked for them. I spotted a chiropractic practice and asked them for help. They immediately booked me into their Clifton Bristol Practice. I had a detailed assessment of my mind was immediately put at rest by the professional approach and assurance that chiropractic treatment could, not only get me out of pain but could offer corrective care to fix the problem during the rehabilitation phase and then offer prevention and maintenance care in the future.

I instinctively knew that chiropractic treatment was right for me so embarked on a 24 treatment care plan. After 12 treatments I feel so much better I am happier in life and in general as follows:

  • All pain has gone.
  • I am more flexible at work (my job is physically demanding I build aircraft which involves working with power tools in small confined spaces.)
  • Due to improvement in balance, strength and neck movement my archery has excelled
  • I feel straighter whilst on my feet and better posture while sitting down
  • Driving is comfortable and I can look over my shoulder whilst reversing
  • I have more awareness and knowledge of how to look after my spine and body

This is my journey so far. It won’t end when my care plan ends. I want to live a happy and active life and chiropractic care and maintenance will now become part of my life.”

Treated for shoulder pain at our Clifton clinic.

If you're experiencing pain or know someone who could benefit from chiropractic then follow the link below to book your consultation online today

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