Willow Chiropractic

Patient Stories

Susan’s Story

“I had sought chiropractic treatment in the past to treat sciatica brought on from too much driving. I found it incredibly helpful, and enjoyed that it avoided me taking tablets.

For years after this treatment ended I was pain free, until around 18 months ago when the pain came back afresh, with stiffness too, and had spread to my neck. It really hampered me from doing anything physical. I knew the thing to do was return to a chiropractor, and after the very first treatment with James I already felt miles better.

I have now moved from my ‘recovery’ phase of two treatments per week into my ‘maintenance’ phase of once a week – the pain has totally diminished and I no longer struggle to get out of bed! It is such a relief knowing I can get on and do things without there being consequences for my back.

Thank you James & Willow!”

Treated for back & sciatica pain at our Nailsea clinic by Dr James Barber.

If you're experiencing pain or know someone who could benefit from chiropractic then follow the link below to book your consultation online today

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