Willow Chiropractic

Patient Stories

Theresa’s Story

“I had suffered with the most debilitating headaches for around six years which left me some days so exhausted I felt unable to function properly.

Over this time I took all types of painkillers and had a sinus procedure after a CT scan, however, the headaches never stopped. After reading about Willow Chiropractic on Facebook I had a consultation with Dr Tim Scott who explained that neck and back problems can cause headaches, and devised a plan of care for me to address them for good.

Now, after just after 6 weeks, my headaches have started to diminish. I am now able to make arrangements to socialise with friends and, more importantly, look after and enjoy playtime with my grandchildren.

Theresa was our Patient of the Month in Bedminster for July 2019.

Treated for head pain at our Bedminster clinic by Dr Tim Scott.

If you're experiencing pain or know someone who could benefit from chiropractic then follow the link below to book your consultation online today

Have a Question? Call 0117 980 7755

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