Our practitioners

Bétina Lautour
Doctor of Chiropractic

Doctor of Chiropractic (MChiro)

What Does a Chiropractic Adjustment Do? Exploring the Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Bétina in a nutshell

Bétina works at our Nailsea Clinic

From a very young age, Bétina knew she wanted a career that helped people have a better, healthier, and longer life through a natural approach. When Bétina was only 15, her mother sought the help of a Chiropractor after suffering from neck pain, migraines, and extremely low energy levels. Bétina’s mother’s life completely changed after treatment and she was able to do the things she loves again with ease. This is when Bétina decided to become a Chiropractor. Bétina strongly believes that our body has the power to heal itself. We can all adapt if we keep our body adjusted, nourished, and looked after properly. Bétina graduated from Franco-European Chiropractic Institute in Paris and she is currently a member of United Chiropractic Association.

What Bétina likes

Bétina has a keen interest in nutrition and sport

Nutrition and sport plays a huge role in Bétina’s life, as she believes they are important pillars to our health. In her free time, she also enjoys yoga, travelling, and dancing.

Bétina's approach

A healthy spine is key to enhance body strength

Bétina knows how much stress can compromise the human body. A healthy spine is key to enhance body strength and reinforce its ability to heal itself. Through chiropractic care, a good diet, and regular exercises, patients can get back to the activities they love and lead the life they want to live with ease!

Book a consult today to find out how we can help you get out of pain and live your life to the full.

Where you can find Bétina

Nailsea Clinic, Somerset

Nailsea Clinic, 21A Somerset Square, Nailsea, Bristol, BS48 1RQ

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