Christine’s Story

“I had been dealing with neck problems for years. It was affecting my sleep and day-to-day life. I was stuck in a pattern of painkillers and sleepless nights, and because I wasn’t sleeping other parts of my life were being affected. I’ve always known about chiropractic, so when I walked past the clinic in Bedminster,…

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Lottie’s Story

“I had niggles for years, but it came to a head a couple of months before starting chiropractic care. I had sciatic problems in the past and I couldn’t stand for very long. I used heat packs and ibuprofen to try to reduce the pain, but it just kept coming back.  Coming into lockdown I…

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Jamie’s Story

“Before coming to Willow Chiropractic I was in excruciating sciatic pain. I barely slept, I couldn’t sit or stand straight, I couldn’t even put my socks on. My attitude toward life was bleak and I was pretty miserable most of the time. Dr Ryan identified issues I wasn’t even aware of and set up a…

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Sam’s Story

Willow Chiropractic Sam's Story

“Having been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, having poor posture and stressful periods in my life all combined to make me tense, hunched over, and generally not in a very good place. I have always experienced headaches, but the medication for my rheumatoid arthritis just made them so much worse. I felt like I was having…

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David’s Story

David's story Willow Chiropractic

“With Chronic neck pain leading to headaches, I couldn’t be more pleased with the work Sarah has done, complemented by Richard’s excellent massage.  I think everyone should have a massage at least once a month for wellness and wellbeing. Richards work always feels beneficial whether its neck, shoulders, torso or legs.  I thoroughly recommend Richard…

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Abi’s Story

Abi-Gubb Willow Chiropractic

“Prior to visiting the Chiropractor I could barely move my head or neck without incredible pain.  With the help of Sarah, my posture has greatly improved, I have more knowledge of how I can help my own pain issues and I feel much more mobility.  Thanks so much!”

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Daisy’s Story

Daisy Crouch and Ryan Willow Chiropractic

“Since starting my treatment with Ryan in the Bedminster clinic, Bristol less than 6 months ago I have seen a HUGE improvement. I have had issues with my lower back for years after dancing since a young age and it got to a point where I was in constant pain and barely coping with it…

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Chris’s Story

Chris Hooper Bedminster and Ryan stephenson Willow Chiropractic

“It all started with a fall in my kitchen where I landed on my back injuring my lower lumbar region, so decided to take my back problem to a Chiropractor.  Dr Ryan Stephenson in the Bedminster clinic in Bristol went to work straight away on the injured area and after 4 appointments it seemed to…

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Sarah’s Story

Sarah-Shergold-2 Willow Chiropractic

“My experience so far at Willow has been amazing. I am a very keen runner and have been running consistently now for almost five years. Having been lucky and generally injury free, I realised I needed a body check up after my third marathon, as my hips and knees were hurting a lot – I…

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Emma’s Story

Emma-Knight Willow Chiropractic

“Since seeing Sarah I have so much more energy. I was told I should have a scan on my leg before I went to Sarah. She has given me a new lease of life. She cares so much. I have such confidence and fully trust her, this is so important to me. I’d highly recommend…

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