Bruce’s Story

“Before starting chiropractic care, I had severe sciatica. I used to be able to walk 10 miles or so, but that became 100 yards and only being able to stand for a few minutes at a time. I went to see my GP, who wanted to give me painkillers, so I started to consider my…

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Michael’s Story

Willow Chiropractic Michael's testimonial

“Before starting care, I was experiencing quite a bit of lower back pain and I felt fed up with it. It was wearing me out. I had been dealing with it for around 8-9 years. It was painful, stiff and not really that flexible. It was definitely getting worse. Playing with the children and working…

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Sarah’s Story

Willow Chiropractic Sarah Testimoinal

“Before starting chiropractic care I was in pain all the time. My headaches were affecting my life massively, both physically and mentally. I was constantly thinking about when to take my next paracetamol, and I wasn’t sleeping well as I couldn’t get comfortable. My day-to-day life was becoming a struggle, which impacted my overall quality…

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Magdalena’s Story

Willow Chiropractic Magdalana's testimonial

“My knee pain was becoming increasingly worse and had reached a point where it was painful to even sit on the sofa. I couldn’t go for long walks, runs or exercise like I used to. My knee forced me to completely stop doing all of the activities that I enjoyed. I spent 3 months avoiding…

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Paul’s Story

Pauls Story Willow Chiropractic

“I have been coming to Willow Yate for some time but recently started having massage sessions, initially with Tim and now with Imi. I am finding the sessions really beneficial. Imi is friendly and knowledgeable whilst making my back feel and work much better. I also do yoga sessions and find that the adjustments Imi…

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James’ Story

Jamas and Fraya Willow Chiropractic

“I turned to Willow after my constant niggles in my back and neck were really getting to me and I can’t recommend them highly enough. I spend a lot of time sat down due to travel with my work, I use a laptop and my posture isn’t the best, I also have two young children.…

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Ben’s Story

Ben Demmery's Story Willow Chiropractic

“I came to Willow after a sports injury left me unable to sit upright, walk, run or do regular daily tasks without pain in my lower back. After regular sessions with Rose I was finally able to start training again! Just five months after my injury I was back on a week-long training camp, boxing…

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Jim’s Story

Jims story Willow Chiropractic

“I began running a few years ago. As I increased the regularity and distance that I ran I suffered a number of reoccurring injuries. I then began to suffer from a niggling back pain which eventually became a permanent problem. In October 2018 I discovered I had been successful in obtaining a place in the…

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Cherry’s Story

Cherry Buensuceso Story Willow Chiropractic

“My back gave in last year right before I was due to fly back to England. I was in such severe pain that the only way I was able to endure the flight was to take incredibly strong medication, which wasn’t ideal but seemed like the only option. I am eternally grateful to my friend…

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David’s Story

David-Hoey Story Willow Chiropractic

“Life is movement and movement is my life! As a professional golfer my career depends on being able to play, practice and coach with freedom and without pain. I came to Willow after pulling my back at the gym. After intensive sports massage from Lizzie at Willow it was recommended that I should see a…

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