Your Posture Might Be Affecting Your Digestion

Have you ever finished a reasonably-sized meal only to feel like you’ve eaten a whole hippo? If bloating and discomfort after eating sound familiar, you might be quick to blame the usual suspects like gluten or dairy. However, these symptoms can often stem from an unexpected source—your posture. Interestingly, poor posture not only affects your…

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The not-so-common cure for hangovers

guy waking up with a handover Willow Chiropractic

We all do it sometimes: a couple of drinks turns into several, and you end up feeling awful the next day. You might think the only thing to do is drink plenty of water and wait it out. But did you know that chiropractic can reboot your system when you’re in the grips of a…

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Hydration – how much should we drink and why?

senior staying hydrated Willow Chiropractic

We all get told we probably don’t drink enough water; it’s also given as advice in so many situations… “I’ve got a cold” “make sure you drink plenty of water” ” I feel tired” “have a glass of water” “I’ve got a headache” “you’re probably dehydrated” etc. But how much is enough? A rough guide is…

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