6 Neck and Shoulder Stretches for Desk Workers: Quick Posture Improvement Exercises

Did you know that poor posture from long hours at a desk is a leading cause of neck, shoulder, and back pain? This unnatural forward head position can also strain the base of your brain stem, potentially leading to persistent headaches. But fear not, with posture improvement exercises at your desk, help is at hand!…

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Is clicking your own neck & back safe?

women clicking her neck Willow Chiropractic

Imagine you’re sitting at a computer and your neck feels stiff, so you roll your head around, causing that satisfying popping sound in your neck. Or your back is sore, so you press your hands against your spine, leaning backwards till you hear a pop. Aah – instant relief! Everyone does it – but is…

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Are your headaches caused by neck tension?

Neck Tension Willow Chiropractic

Headaches may not seem like a particularly serious health condition. But ongoing pain, even at a low level, can have serious impacts on our physical and metal wellbeing. And with more than 10 million people in the UK suffering with regular headaches, according to the NHS, the problem is a significant one. If you regularly…

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