Is Your Sleeping Position Ruining Your Back?

18 February 2024

Sleeping Soundly: The Ultimate Mattress and Pillow Guide

Sleeping Soundly: The Ultimate Mattress and Pillow Guide


Welcome to ‘Sleeping Soundly: The Ultimate Mattress and Pillow Guide,’ where we explore the essential aspects of choosing the right mattress and pillow to ensure a restful night. In this guide, we delve into various mattress types, pillow choices, and how they can impact your sleep quality. Imagine shopping for a new bed and settling on a popular model at Hasten’s store in Koping, Sweden, where beds sell for up to £500,000. These beds offer a “sleep spa” experience, complete with soft music, where you can test mattresses, which soften over time to contour to your body. These luxury mattresses use high-quality materials like horse hair, cotton, wool, and flax, ensuring allergy-free comfort and reducing static electricity to enhance sleep. Delivery involves a team of eight to position your mattress perfectly in your home.

Thinking about affordability? The Hasten 2000T model costs around £36,380, but spread over 50 years, it’s about £2 per night—a lasting investment potentially fought over in wills, with some mattresses lasting 100 years.


Selecting the Best Mattress: People often wonder which mattress prevents back pain. Here’s a quick guide:

  1. Support: Ensure the mattress supports your body evenly; lumps indicate it’s time to replace.
  2. Comfort: Comfort helps you relax and sleep well.
  3. Sleeping Position: Choose firmness based on whether you sleep on your side, back, or stomach.
  4. Materials: Consider memory foam, latex, innerspring, or hybrid based on their feel and durability.
  5. Body Weight: Heavier individuals may need a firmer mattress.
  6. Durability and Allergies: Opt for durable, hypoallergenic materials.
  7. Temperature Regulation: If you sleep hot, look for a mattress that stays cool.


This mattress and pillow guide is designed to help you sleep soundly, providing you with information to make informed choices about your bedding. Visit a department store to test different mattresses. Find one that’s too hard, one that’s too soft, and then one in the middle that feels just right.


Pillows: Choose a comfortable pillow of the right height to prevent neck strain. While memory foam pillows are popular, it comes down to personal preference. Avoid overly high pillows as they can cause neck and headache issues.

Conclusion: Quality sleep and a supportive mattress are crucial for health, but remember, a good mattress doesn’t fix a bad back. If your spine is healthy, you’ll sleep well on nearly any mattress. Prioritise fixing any back issues with appropriate medical care to enhance your sleep quality.


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