The best times to drink water

The best times to drink water Willow Chiropractic

Your body tightly regulates its water balance, so drinking too much water at any one time isn’t good. It’s best to space out your water intake and drink it consistently throughout the day. That being said, there are certain times of day where it would benefit you greatly to drink water. Drink a glass of…

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Why you should drink more water

remain hydrated for a healthier lifestyle

We all know that we should drink more water for our health, but do we know why? Water plays a vital part in so many of our body’s functions and processes, and without it they can’t work at their optimal performance. Many other factors involved too, but water plays a key part. If your body…

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How to drink more water

staying hydrated- it's health benefits

Water is incredibly important for your health. It influences so many of your body’s processes and functions. Without enough water, these can’t be carried out as efficiently, and your body won’t be functioning as it should. If you’d like to read more about how water influences your health, click here. When our patients start care…

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The importance of water on your spinal health

chiropractic adjustments for a better lifestyle Willow Chiropractic

There’s no denying that we have to drink plenty of water each day to maintain our health. We all know how water impacts our health. But, do you know why water is important for your spinal health in particular? Your spinal discs are 85% water. It’s this high water content that helps to provide your…

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