Why I stopped chiropractic care

Willow Chiropractic care

When I was 18 I was struggling with lower back pain. My GP was putting it down to growing pains. After a few months, the pain was just getting worse and worse. I ended up having to pull over when I was driving because the pain was so severe. That was when someone recommended that…

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Benefits of using smartwatches

on the road to recovery with Willow Chiropractic

Bringing walking into your daily routine is extremely beneficial for both your physical and mental health. You should always be tracking your healthy habits so that you can measure, quantify, and track your progress, as well as helping to keep you accountable. Smartwatches are great for helping you with your walking and improving your fitness.…

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Where to walk in and around Bristol

Willow Chiropractic Bristol Walk

To help you find your love of walking, we asked our Chiropractors for their top recommendations of where to walk in and around Bristol. They are for a range of different fitness and ability levels, so pick the ones that suit you best. Remember, just like with any other form of exercise, it is important…

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How pain can strain your relationships

Willow Chiropractic pain relief

Pain affects so many parts of your life. It works just as much on your mental health as it does your physical health. When you’re in pain, it’s all you can think about. You don’t have the mental capacity to think about socialising with family and friends, and it can stop you from doing what…

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Why should you have chiropractic care during pregnancy?

read about lacey's story with Willow Chiropractors

Problems with your back and pelvis can be common during pregnancy. Unfortunately, part of the reason is that your spine, pelvis, and nervous system are not working properly to begin with.  Pregnancy changes the body in many different ways; this is mainly due to hormone changes. The one I want to focus on is the…

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Why should I see a Chiropractor when I feel perfectly fine?

Willow Chiropractic when to see a chiropractor

If you don’t have any pain or symptoms, it’s easy to think that you are healthy and don’t need to see a Chiropractor. If you wake up in the morning without pain, why would you even think that there is anything wrong? Sometimes, when you go to the doctors for a check-up the doctors will…

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How walking benefits your health

Willow Chiropractic walking benefits

Did you know that adding 150 minutes of walking in a week can add 3.4 years to a person’s lifespan (Everydayhealth, 2015)? NHS England recommends that adults have at least 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise. If we break that down, that’s around 20 minutes a day. This could be anything from going to…

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A beginner’s guide to walking

Willow Chiropractic guide to walking

The evenings are starting to get lighter, and the days are getting milder; spring is definitely on the way. The world around us will start to come to life again after a cold, dark winter.  Whilst we all have an appreciation for nature, we sometimes forget to step outside. Our daily lives are busy, and…

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A Chiropractor broke my shoulder, and then another one fixed it

Willow Chiropractic shoulder adjustment

March 1985. I stepped up to the mat and across from me was Ron Tripp. I knew he was the US and Pan-American, under 95kg judo champion. He had been on the US team for many years, and we were in his hometown: Tulsa, Oklahoma. The referee called us to the centre of the mat,…

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How to feel less stressed

Willow Chiropractic circles of stress

We all face uncertainty about the future, but for some people this uncertainty brings higher levels of stress and anxiety than it does for others. But, there is a way that can help you have more control. If we start to put what is causing us stress into three groups, it can help us to…

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